630 Square miles of land
315 square miles of agrarian land (Fertile River Banks, Aschen Hills, Bezau Hills)
148 Square miles of water (Rivers Soll, Sonne, Aschen, Martin, Dieten)
13 Square miles of unfarmed hills (Dieten Hills)
154 Square miles of dense woodland (Martinswald)
Average of 90 Inhabitants per square mile
Population of approximately 56500 people
Urban Population 30518 (54%)
Population of Sonnefurt 5263 (86 acres)
Population of Thalfang 3157 (52 acres)
Population of Ertingen 3316 (54 acres)
Population of Ostrach 2653 (43 acres)
Population of Strazen 1857 (30 acres)
Population of Martinskorf 743 (12 acres)
Population of Bezeinhof 729 (11 acres)
Rural Population 25982 (46%)
94 other villages (200-300) - 23212
40 Hamlets (50-80) 2460
9 Isolated settlements (20-40) 310
By Shire
The Shire of Sonnefurt: 1 Large Town, 24 Villages, 9 Hamlets, 2 Isolated Settlements= Approx 16 000 people (28%)
The Shire of Thalfang: 1 Town, 25 Villages, 8 Hamlets, 2 Isolated Settlements= Approx 10 500 people (20%)
The Shire of Ostrach: 1 Town, 24 Villages, 7 Hamlets= Approx 9 500 people (17%)
The Shire of Ertingen: 1 Town, 7 Villages, 7 Hamlets= Approx 8000 people (14%)
The Shire of Strazen: 1 Medium Town, 10 Villages, 6 Hamlets= Approx 7000 people (12%)
The Shire of Bezeinhof: 1 Small Town, 2 Villages, 1 Hamlet, 4 Isolated Settlements= Approx 3000 people (5%)
The Shire of Martinskorf: 1 Small Town, 2 Villages, 2 Hamlets, 3 Isolated Settlements= Approx 2500 people (4%)
Size of Towns
The Large, Fortified Port of Sonnefurt -86 acres
The Town of Thalfang- 52 acres
The Port of Ertingen- 54 acres
The Town of Ostrach- 43 acres
The Medium Town of Strazen- 30 acres
The Small Town of Martinskorf- 12 acres
The Small Town of Bezeinhof -11 acres
188100 Livestock
127908 fowl
60192 cows/pigs/sheep/goats
The Von Heisenberg Family and 188 other noble families
30 Nobles Families in Sonnefurt
16 Noble Families in Thalfang
17 Noble Families in Ertingen
14 Noble Families in Ostrach
10 Noble Families in Strazen
3 Noble Families in Martinskorf
3 Noble Families in Bezeinhof
94 Noble Families (One in each Village)
Army of maximum 3000 men (5% of population)
200 Elite Guard of the Baroness
500 Semi-Professional Soldiers
Up to 1500 Trained Militia
Funds to hire up to 500 Mercenaries for any one engagement
The findings of the census seem to show a shift from the last census performed, and the majority of the population (54%) now lives in the seven main urban areas of the Barony. This is only 8% of the population and 4520 more citizens however, so is not an enormous change.
The population distribution is puzzling, as the Shire of and town Ostrach, a significantly smaller town than Ertingen, has a larger proportion of residents. Granted, the shire is bigger, but Ostrach is not a particularly affluent area. Perhaps more residents of the Ertingen Shire live in the town itself for the business opportunities, whilst Ostrachers prefer to live out as their town declines in importance. The Shire of Ostrach also includes the infamous “Sonnefurt-Bezeinhof Belt”, fertile ground along trade routes for the timber industries in the town, perhaps giving rise to more settlements along this area.
It is also interesting to note the comparative size of the Shires of Sonnefurt and Thalfang, for they seem to encompass roughly the same amount of settlements. However Thalfang falls a whole 6000 people behind the predominant Shire of Sonnefurt, 4000 more than in lacks due to size of the main town. This is potentially due to the smaller settlements focussed around the wine growing fields of the Aschen and Bezau Hills which fuel a lot of the Thalfang economy. These settlements do not support as many people as the agricultural settlements of Sonnefurt and are thus perhaps smaller.
Finally, considering almost half the Barony’s lands are uncultivable, consisting of torrents of water or thick forest, the number of settlements is staggering. Furthermore, their distribution does not seem to hinder their development, and the villages are well spread out across the Barony, never overly competing with each other.
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